We are uniquely placed to render unrivalled Insurance Broking/Consultancy service locally to our clients whatever their insurance needs might be.
Edward Mensah, Wood & Associates Limited, (EMWA) dates back to 1984 when Edward Mensah a Chartered Insurance Practitioner was appointed as Insurance Consultant for Africa by two (2) major International Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions, namely, Swiss Reinsurance Company of Zurich, Switzerland and Willis Faber and Dumas (Lloyds Brokers) of London.
EMWA was initially established in Lome as a Consultancy Firm and later moved to Accra in November 1986.
The Company registered in Ghana in 1987 and commenced operations as a Broking and Consultancy Firm in January 1988.
Edward Mensah, Wood & Associates is prominently among the two topmost Insurance Broking Firms in Ghana and is the local correspondent of Marsh & McLennan now (MARSH), the world’s foremost Insurance Brokers.

EMWA has been extensively involved in International insurance and reinsurance business for a considerable number of years.
Most of the world’s leading brokers recognise the international status of EMWA and cooperate with us in providing broking services for their multinational clients operating in Ghana. For example, we work with Bowring; Marsh & McLennan in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and America; Willis Faber & Duma; Stewart Wrightson;
Generali and Harris & Dixon of London; Lambert & Fenchurch, London; Faugere & Jutheau, Paris; and Aon of London and Paris.
Our collaboration affords us the opportunity to provide our numerous clients with a useful blend of skills, expertise and experience.

In view of the considerable local and foreign experience, reputation and track record of the founders, the aim of the company from its early beginnings has been to provide first class professional risk management and Insurance / Reinsurance broking and consultancy services in Ghana to individuals and organisations whose business activities require risk transfer and insurance protection.
As Chartered Insurance Practitioners with an average of over 40 years experience in all lines of Insurance business gained locally and internationally, the Directors and Management of Edward Mensah, Wood & Associates are fully committed to professional excellence.
EMWA has grown from strength to strength from inception and has a proven track record over the years. Alongside being committed to their clients, EMWA also plays a strong role in the community.
CSR is an integral part of the activities of the company which revolves around charitable organizations and individuals in need of support.
Working alongside the Ghana Prison’s service, EMWA has instituted a fee-paying program for prisoners to enable them undergo vocational training to enable them earn some form of income whilst serving time.
EMWA has made donations to organizations such as Osu Children’s Home and even encourages their staff to support charities such as International Needs Ghana.
EMWA places high emphasis on transparency in our dealings with clients by ensuring that they are involved every step of the way. Our role in each and every transaction involves our disclosure of all material information.
All quotes sought are presented to the client before any decision is agreed upon.
We guide clients in making a choice with respect to quotes and insurance companies purely on professional grounds. This extends to advising clients on the competence and financial security of the companies.
We treat all information relating to our clients as strictly confidential as this our hallmark. Vital information relating to a client is closely guarded to prevent leakages of trade secrets.
EMWA is a registered member of the Data Protection Commission, Ghana.
The Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749) as amended, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2008 (Act 762) and the subsequent passage of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2011 (L.I.1987), place obligations on the Company and its employees to establish internal procedures to prevent the use of their services for money laundering.
This Policy applies to all employees of the Company and aims to maintain the high standards of conduct which currently exist within the Company by preventing criminal activity through money laundering. The Policy sets out the procedures which must be followed (for example the reporting of suspicions of money laundering activity) to enable the Company to comply with its legal obligations.
Further information is set out in the accompanying NIC/FIC AML/CFT Guidelines.
Failure by a member of staff to comply with the procedures set out in this Policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken against them. Any disciplinary action will be dealt with in accordance with the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
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